
Change Your Dreams, Never Quit Them!

Since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to be a flight attendant. It was my dream job. Getting paid to see the world, shat more do you need ;o). In the past I did some job applications for different airlines. Unfortunately I was not selected : o(. I decided to choose another path and to change my dream. I worked in different kind of industries; construction, government, bank, car industry, fashion and many more. All my previous jobs, gave me an insight of what I don’t wanted to do and what I wanted continue to do in my life. They helped me grow and become the person I am today. But the idea of becoming a flight attendant never got out of my mind. I kept on wondering and dreaming about how it would be. So I decided to take my chance again and apply for Jetairfly (TUI BELGIUM). It was my second application after eight years. I really was excited and after all I had nothing to lose. A few days after my application, I got a phone call from the HR department to screen me, after my screening I got invited for an interview. I knew that It wouldn’t be easy, because you have to pay a lot of attention and on top of that, youhave to talk three languages fleuntly (Dutch, French & English). The day  of my interview started with a presentation of the company. After the presentation I had to playa  role game and had to talk in three languages during the whole day. Than it was time to translate a text from English to Dutch. Luckily I got passed through the first round! I was so happy, that I could participate at the second round. The second part existed out of; role game and you had to talk about your previous career experiences in the three languages again. At the end of the day, I was really tired, but satisfied. The worst was yet to come…, waiting for the phone call to know if I was selected. Two days later I got a phone call, I was very nervous and didn’t know what to expect :s. The news was AWESOME, I was selected! I couldn’t believe it and my eyes got teary. I had made it through the selections and could start my flight attendant training. I was excited to start, but what I didn’t know was, that there was a lot of learning involved. As flight attendant it’s your responsibility to see that the airplane is safe and to take care of you passengers. We aren’t on board to serve coffee, like most of the people think. We are there to guard and safe your life! That’s why you have to learn and know all the procedures. I had to wake up every morning at 4 am to go to class and studied every day till 23 pm (sometimes even later). I have learned plenty of different procedures and I also learned how to; evacuate an airplane on the ground and during ditching, survive in the water, give CPR and how to extinguish fires. Every day I had an exam, I had to get at least 80%. It wasn’t easy, but I have made it till the end :o). I am happy and proud to say that I am a flight attendant :o)! I will get my wings soon on the wingparade, and off course I will be happy to write another blog post about it. I hope you see that it’s never too late to make a dream come true. If the time is ready for it, you will accomplish it. Never give up on your dreams, no matter what other people say. Always follow your heart and dreams. If it’s your destiny and if it’s meant to be, It will happen! I hope this is a great example for all those who hesitate and are afraid to follow their dreams. If I can make it happen, you can make it happen! I am happy, blessed and of course I adore my new job. Every day is another adventure with new colleagues and passengers in another country. 

Do what you love & love what you do.

Live is to short to be unhappy!
Always Believe in Yourself!

Never Give Up, You Are Stronger Than You Think :o)

xox Love & Hugs xox
Have A Lovely Weekend!


dreams_quote_2Go#For#It#Keep#On#Believing#And#Following#Your#Dreams!foto 1My#Class#aka#INI111!foto 2My#First#Day#In#TUI#Uniform#I#Love#It!foto 1 (1) How#To#Survive#In#The#Water#aka#Watersurvival  foto 3 (1)Extinguish#A#Firefoto 3How#To#Safe#Someones#Life#CPRfoto 4 (1) Cockpit#Visit#With#Duckface ;o)foto 5 (1)Practicing#To#Become#A#PILOT :o)foto 4 First#Observation#Flight#To#Alicante#Happy#And#Blessed#Me! foto 5 Me#And#My#Lovely#Colleague#Yasminadreams_come_true_by_ebiisan-d4lwws3_large

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